Home Day Place: 'the most respectable locality in Tralee'

Day Place: ‘the most respectable locality in Tralee’

Day Place: ‘the most respectable locality in Tralee’

This book studies the occupants of Day Place, a terrace of ten Georgian townhouses in Tralee, Co. Kerry, over a 100-year period. The street was the most fashionable and sought-after address in the town and residents of the terrace were among the wealthiest and most influential individuals in the area. The economic and political transformation of Tralee – and Ireland – from 1830 to 1930 was reflected in the changing makeup of the local elite living in Day Place.

Lawrence Jones

  • Four Courts Press Ltd
  • 9781801510974
  • 72 pages
  • €12.95
  • Paperback
  • Ireland
  • British & Irish history