Sacraments in a Synodal Church
This timely book breaks new ground. It explores sacraments froman original point of view; a synodal approach to sacraments isnovel. It is written in an accessible style, sensitively engages withthe issues surrounding sacraments today and proposes a synodalresponse. It exposes the weaknesses in the way sacraments are ‘used’as cultural rites of passage or a means of showcasing a school. Theway in which synodality is interpreted in the book provides a meansof breaking out of this truncated view. It proposes, for example, thatparents who wish their children to receive Baptism, Confirmationand Eucharist should be offered courses so that they understandthe richness and responsibility of presenting their children for thesesacraments.
Noel Sullivan
- Veritas Publications
- 9781800970618
- 160 pages
- €19.99
- Paperback
- Ireland
- Pastoral Theology