Home The Famine Diaspora and Irish American Women's Writing

The Famine Diaspora and Irish American Women’s Writing

The Famine Diaspora and Irish American Women’s Writing

The Famine Diaspora and Irish American Women’s Writing considers the works of eleven North American female authors who wrote for or descended from the Irish Famine generation: Anna Dorsey, Christine Faber, Elizabeth Gurley Flynn, Mother Jones, Kate Kennedy, Margaret Dixon McDougall, Mary Meaney, Alice Nolan, Fanny Parnell, Mary Anne Sadlier, and Elizabeth Hely Walshe. This collection examines the ways the writings of these women contributed significantly to the construction of Irish North-American identities, and played a crucial role in the dissemination of Famine memories transgenerationally as well as transnationally.

Marguerite Corporaal; Jason King; Peter D. O'Neill

  • Palgrave Macmillan
  • 9783031407901
  • 235 pages
  • Hardback
  • Switzerland
  • Literary studies: c 1800 to c 1900