Home Town & country: perspectives from the Irish Historic Towns Atlas

Town & country: perspectives from the Irish Historic Towns Atlas

Town & country: perspectives from the Irish Historic Towns Atlas

With some notable exceptions, the historic relationships between urban centres in Ireland and their rural hinterlands have received surprisingly little attention. Towns and the countryside have long been viewed as entirely separate entities having little in common with one another. As centres of administration, education, entertainment, finance, healthcare, industry, justice, religion and trade, towns had to be supplied and sustained by a variety of hinterlands providing food, fuel, labour, raw materials and customers for craft goods and imported wares. The 2021 IHTA seminar will explore the nature and evolution of town–country relationships in Ireland through the ages, a field just now beginning to receive the attention it deserves.

Sarah Gearty; Michael Potterton

  • Royal Irish Academy
  • 9781911479819
  • 300 pages
  • €30.00
  • Paperback
  • Ireland
  • Historical maps & atlases