Theo Dorgan leads a half-day workshop for poets at Kilkenny Arts Festival
Theo Dorgan is an award-winning poet, documentary screenwriter, editor, translator and broadcaster, and a member of Aosdána.
He will be leading a poetry workshop at the Kilkenny Arts Festival on Saturday 13 August. Participation in this workshop is by application, and places are strictly limited. The deadline for applications is Tuesday the 2nd of August.
This workshop is specifically aimed at poets with strong publication credits. Interested applicants are asked to submit a one-page cover letter (no longer than 300 words). This should include information about their writing experience; why this workshop would be beneficial; three poems in an attached Word document.
The cover letter and poems should be included together in one attached document, otherwise the submission will not be considered.
Applications should be sent to info@poetryireland.ie no later than 23:59 on Tues 2 August.
Applying poets must be able to travel in person to Kilkenny for the workshop on the morning of Saturday 13 August.