Dublin-born poet, Oisín Breen has a new collection of poetry Flowers, All Sorts in Blossom, Figs, Berries, and Fruits Forgotten forthcoming from Hybrid Press in Edinburgh. The collection carries three long-form pieces, each in a series of thematic parts and will be released on March 29 2020.
Available now: https://hybriddreich.co.uk/oisin-breen/
International orders see here or contact the publisher directly: kevincadwallender@gmail.com.
Click the links below to hear Oisín reading some of his work aloud:
1: https://soundcloud.com/oisin-b/stats/plays/2019-11-25/2019-12-01
2: https://soundcloud.com/oisin-b/sets/dublin-and-the-loose-footwork-of-deity
3: https://soundcloud.com/oisin-b/her-cross-carried-burnt