MS Ireland Readathon will raise vital funds and awareness
MS Ireland is asking thousands of readers young and old to take part in a Readathon this November. The initiative aims to raise awareness and vital funds to support the 10,000 people living with MS, the most common debilitating neurological condition affecting young adults in Ireland.
The MS Readathon is MS Ireland’s oldest and most anticipated event each year and was originally launched by Roald Dahl in 1988. Jordan McCarthy, MS Readathon ambassador is encouraging readers to take part and get their offices, clubs and families to rediscover their love of reading.
“November is the month of MS Readathon, now in its 36th year. I would encourage young and old to read as much as possible over the coming weeks. And, in doing so, help to raise some funds for MS Ireland, which provides an array of excellent support services – fitness classes, counselling, information seminars, advocacy and much more.”

Jordan said that it’s been a year since he began treatment. “I realise how fortunate I am to have such a strong support network in place – my neurologist, my MS nurse, my local MS Ireland coordinator, my wife Claire, my family, my friends and my workplace colleagues. It is for this reason and more that I am determined to raise as much awareness as I can for MS Ireland’s services and fundraising efforts.”
I have learned that things will be somewhat different, there will be extra challenges, but I can still live life to the full. And MS Ireland has instilled that belief in me.
“I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in August 2022, a few months shy of my 31st birthday. A year previously, I went for a scan for an entirely different reason, but the results showed that MS was possibly going to enter my life at some point. Last year, it did.
“MS Ireland was my first port of call. It was somewhat difficult to process the news and I will always remember talking to the MS Ireland representative on the phone after I received my diagnosis. She was so helpful and understanding. My call to MS Ireland opened up a world of possibility for me that day. I have since attended social gatherings for the newly diagnosed, taken part in the Move Smart exercise programme and attended information evenings on MS.
“I have learned that things will be somewhat different, there will be extra challenges, but I can still live life to the full. And MS Ireland has instilled that belief in me.”

Jordan says that reading has been a big part of his life ever since his parents read to him as a child, and suggests if you are returning to reading after a break, to start out small. “Don’t be intimidated and feel you must read a doorstopper of a literary masterpiece. Magazines and comics are great, while many short stories can be completed in one sitting.”
Every year, the MS Readathon raises thousands of euros whilst assisting children to greatly improve their literacy skills and encourage participants to foster a lasting love of reading. Anybody young and old can sign up to participate here.