Home Boyne and Beyond: Essays in appreciation of George Eogan

Boyne and Beyond: Essays in appreciation of George Eogan

Boyne and Beyond: Essays in appreciation of George Eogan

The UNESCO World Heritage site of Brú na Bóinne in the Boyne Valley is home to Ireland's finest passage tomb complexes of Knowth, Dowth and Newgrange. Knowth in particular was the focus of many years of work by the late Professor George Eogan, whose excavations have provided significant contributions to understandings of this monument and landscape through the millennia, and of wider prehistoric Ireland. Inspired by Professor Eogan's legacy, the National Monuments Service 5th annual archaeology conference examined the Boyne Valley monuments in the context of the wider prehistoric world. Boyne and beyond: essays in appreciation of George Eogan presents a selection of the papers from this conference, exploring the story of Knowth through time, megalithic art in the Boyne Valley and beyond, the Dowth Hall passage tomb, and Ireland in the wider prehistoric world, amongst other important aspects.

Peigin Doyle

  • Wordwell
  • 9781913934958
  • 160 pages
  • €17.99
  • Paperback
  • Ireland
  • Archaeology