Last chance to support an exciting new anthology, featuring 16 established and 16 new and emerging writers.
The cover of The 32: An Anthology of Irish Working Class Voices has been revealed, with the publisher Unbound closing the supporters’ list on Sunday, 7th February—more details here if you would like to help.
This collection follows on from the inspiration for Common People, edited by Kit de Waal. Editor Paul McVeigh says that “too often writers from a working class background find that the hurdles they have to leap are higher and harder than writers that come from a more affluent background. The 32 sees writers who have made that leap reach back and give a helping hand to those coming behind.”
The anthology features sixteen well known working class writers such as Kevin Barry, June Caldwell, and Danielle McLaughlin, alongside the same number of new and emerging writers from the island of Ireland. A collection that aims to enrich through varying lenses and a range of perspectives, McVeigh says that with this attitude to publishing, we are all the better for it: “We read because we want to experience lives and emotions beyond our own, to learn to see with others’ eyes.”