Belfast-based author Anthony Cooley has created a new children’s book to help them cope with boredom and anxiety of the lockdown. A World Outside My Window is the story of a little boy, Charlie, who is suddenly stuck at home with nothing to do because of the lockdown. He uses his imagination as a means of escape.
Derry-born Cooley says his book, although written in response to the Covid-19 lockdown, could apply to any kid who is stuck at home due to illness or whatever. A graphic designer, he did all the illustrations for the book himself. A World Outside My Window is available in digital form with all proceeds going to the NSPCC’s charity Childline. Cooley hopes that anyone who wants the book will donate £5-10 in order to get a copy.
To support this fundraising effort, go to the GoFundMe page here: Bit.ly/3aMHHqD.
The book is also available for Amazon Kindle via Amazon.co.uk.