Beyond Borders award deadline has been extended to 29 September at 6pm
Beyond Borders supports high quality collaborative work between composers, performance groups and organisations across the UK and Ireland.
Beyond Borders stimulates and strengthens cross-border collaborations between music creators, performers and presenters.
It supports the creation, touring and promotion of innovative and high-quality new music across all genres and encourages engagement with audiences across England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland through multiple performances and digital activity.
Funding of up to £15,000 is available for projects that include new commissions, recordings and repeat performances of music written in the past five years. Support is given to up to 8-10 projects per year that represent:
- Innovation and quality within the music, programming and performances, and potential for national/international profile.
- Strength and depth of collaboration between cross-border organisations/ensembles/bands and potential for partnership legacy
- Potential audience reach and impact and the strength of plans for public engagement.
Existing Beyond Borders projects are supported in partnership with Creative Scotland, Arts Council of Wales, Arts Council of Northern Ireland and Arts Council of Ireland.
For further information about the programme please contact Elizabeth Sills, PRS Foundation Grants and Programmes Manager Elizabeth@prsfoundation.com