Kilclief & Other Essays
This long-awaited selection of essays and reviews from one of Ireland's leading critics brings together a wealth of ref lection, observation and astute literary comment. It ranges in time from William Carleton to Edna O'Brien, and in subject matter from recent Irish poetry to ghosts, children's books and MI5. Patricia Craig holds strong opinions on literary mer- it, and some of the essays collected in this book are less than adulatory. For example, she has included a highly critical, but good-humoured and amusing re- assessment of Somerville and Ross; and a couple of recent critical studies come in for a somewhat sharp evaluation.Where the tone is moderately unadmiring it is always justified (if provocative), and contributes to the overall balance of the collection. In short, Kilclief & Other Essays presents an original, diverting, intelligent and thought-provoking assem- bly of essays and reviews. Patricia Craig's latest book should appeal to the general reader as well as to those whose interests are more specialised, and it deserves a wide audience, not only in Ireland but also in the United Kingdom and beyond.
Patricia Craig
- Irish Pages
- 9.78184E+12
- pages
- Hardback
- Britain
- Prose: non-fiction (DN)