Home Socio-Pragmatic Variation in Ireland: Using Pragmatic Variation to Construct Social Identities

Socio-Pragmatic Variation in Ireland: Using Pragmatic Variation to Construct Social Identities

Socio-Pragmatic Variation in Ireland: Using Pragmatic Variation to Construct Social Identities

Given this important position of Irish English in pragmatics research and the paucity of such research on (Ulster) Scots, this volume explicitly focuses on socio-pragmatics and deals with the way speakers in and around Ireland use language in a way so that it assists them in the construction of their social identities

Martin Schweinberger; Patricia Ronan

  • De Gruyter Mouton
  • 9783110791204.00
  • 248 pages
  • €109.95
  • Hardback
  • Germany
  • linguistics