Home Flash Fiction Flash Fiction winners announced

Flash Fiction winners announced

Winners announced for the Books Ireland Flash Fiction Competition

To celebrate Independent Bookshop Week, we are very pleased to announce the winners of our Flash Fiction Competition!

We had all sorts of stories, from the epistolary to the dramatic, from the macabre to the lighthearted, from literary to horror, from historical to political, and from many different and original points of view.

We’d like to thank everyone who took the time to polish their work, and send their words to us—we really enjoyed reading them. It wasn’t an easy task, but after careful reading and consideration, we have selected the three winning stories.

Congratulations to the winners, who will receive National Book Tokens gift cards of €150, €100, and €50 respectively. All three stories will be published in Books Ireland.


First Place: Unwanted Things, by Alison Wassell

Second Place: Amaya and the Kite, by Kik Lodge

Third Place: Grounding, by Emma Lee