Eason To Quit Northern Ireland

Book and stationery retailer Eason has told its 144 employees in Northern Ireland that it will not...

Nielsen—COVID 19 Impact on Irish Book Market

Nielsen Book this morning hosted a free webinar to review the impact of COVID-19 and lockdown on the UK and Irish book...

FOCO too far? Culchie Banned From Scrabble

We’ve become familiar with the idea of FOMO, that is ‘fear of missing out’, but a new...

The Irish Angle—Robert Louis Stevenson

Tony Canavan looks at the Irish Angle with Robert Louis Stevenson's The Master...

Ronan Brady: This Literary Life

Mary McCarthy chats to former GAA Star and school teacher Ronan Brady about running away with the circus and writing his memoir.

The Iris Murdoch podcast

The Iris Murdoch Society exists to promote her work, further her philosophical vision, and enhance and extend knowledge.

Brigid Brophy: Anglo-Irish Writer

In this article Miles Leeson assesses the legacy of Brigid Brophy and asks, as she herself did,...

In:Verse—Magnum Mysterium, by Julie O’Callaghan.

Magnum Mysterium. by Julie O’Callaghan | Bloodaxe Books...

How will the Book Fairs Fare?

Frankfurt Book Fair are proceeding with caution, while Beijing Book Fair announce a digital fair for 2020.

Capital Grants Available for Arts and Cultural Venues

New grant scheme, up to €10,000, launched to assist theatres, arts centres and culture venues in re-opening