MoLI launches major programme of events
The Museum of Literature (MoLI) today launched a major programme of events, exhibition and artistic collaborations to celebrate the centenary of the publication of James Joyce’s Ulysses.
“Not only is this the centenary of perhaps the most important work of literary modernism, it is a celebration of one Irish writer’s enormous artistic achievement and the international impact he continue to have,” said Simon O’Connor, director at MoLI.
“We are delighted that MoLI, with the support of the Arts Council and the Government of Ireland, is playing such a central role in the celebrations and programming.”
Love, says Bloom
‘Love, says Bloom’ is a beautiful new film-installation at the museum.
Guest-curator and author Nuala O’Connor has worked with video artists, and some of Ireland’s leading young singers, to celebrate the Joyce family’s mutual devotion, alongside some of the music that bound them, while their world was in flux.
Ulysses 2.2
In Ulysses 2.2, MoLI and Landmark Productions present a citywide odyssey of artistic collaborations with 18 established and emerging artists responding to the 18 episodes of the book, reframing the novel as a modern day series of thrilling new artworks presented as live performances, digital commissions and installations.
Artists include, in addition to director Louise Lowe and visual artists Owen Boss of ANU, writers Anne Enright and Fintan O’Toole, food artists The Domestic Godless, and musicians Matthew Noland and Adrian Crowley.
Digital Platform
MoLI has partnered with the government to develop, a digital platform that allows visitors to explore Joycean events taking both at home and abroad.
Event organisers can upload their own events to the site. As the year progresses, will give a complete picture of the scale of the Joyce Centenary across the globe.