In response to the COVID-19 crisis, the Arts Council today announced the launch of a special award worth €1million for artists.
– Artists will create new, original, digital work for the public –

The €1 million fund will enable artists to make new and original art during the Covid-19 crisis.
The scheme, called the Arts Council Covid-19 Crisis Response Award, is designed to support the creation of new artistic work and its dissemination online for the public benefit. A new digital platform will be created so that people across the country can experience the work in their own homes.
“Artists and arts organisations have been playing their part in helping people get through this crisis. The Arts Council is fully aware of the huge impact the crisis is having on the livelihoods of everyone working in the arts. This new scheme is one immediate support to assist artists to make new work for the public to enjoy during this difficult time,” said Kevin Rafter, Chair of the Arts Council.
The €1 million fund will be made up of €500,000 from the Arts Council’s existing budgets, with €500,000 funding from the Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht. The Minister for Culture Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Josepha Madigan TD, said she was very happy to support the initiative.
“Budgets are tight, but we need our artists making great work for the public now more than ever, and the Government is proud to be able to provide extra funding for it,” Minister Madigan added.
The award is open to anyone who can demonstrate a track record of professional practice as an artist, with no restriction on the type or form of art that can be created, whether new writing; new music; readings; music performances; performance of short monologues or dramas; visual art such as painting, photography or sculpture; sound art; presentation of art films or documentaries; or online collaborations.
Proposals would be assessed and scored based on three criteria: the artistic quality of the proposal, the potential of the idea to engage with the public, and the track record of the artist.
Applicants must be resident in the Republic of Ireland, and agree to adhere to all public-health advice and guidance laid down by the HSE and by the government and with regard to the Covid-19 pandemic. Successful applicants will be awarded €3,000.
Artists already receiving funding from the Arts Council across a range of schemes are not eligible to apply – full criteria and guidelines will be available at