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Reflections of an Irish Grandson: A story of Grandmother Bridget (Meade) Quealy and the Meade family of Miltown Malbay, County Clare, Ireland

Reflections of an Irish Grandson: A story of Grandmother Bridget (Meade) Quealy and the Meade family of Miltown Malbay, County Clare, Ireland

Peter Meade leased a small ten-acre farm in Miltown Malbay, County Clare, Ireland as a tenant farmer beginning in 1885. Peter and Ellen (Murtagh) Meade raised a large family of fourteen children, including my grandmother, Bridget Meade, on that farm during a turbulent, violent and difficult time in Ireland. Many millions of Irish had, sadly, found it necessary to leave their homes and their homeland as oppression, penal laws, famine, rack-rents, anti-Catholicism and more beset them for centuries. Bridget found herself now numbered among them by 1909, departing her home, her family, her native land and sailing on the SS Saxonia from Queenstown, Ireland, in that sorrowful year.

Vincent J. Quealy Jr.

  • Vincent J. Quealy Jr.
  • 979 8 987631317
  • 104 pages
  • Paperback