Books Ireland Flash Fiction—National Book Tokens for the ten best stories
National Book Tokens are offering a €30 gift card to all ten selected authors
The deadline for the Books Ireland Flash Fiction feature is fast approaching. You have until Friday 28th October to send us your work, with the ten best stories published in Books Ireland by the end of November.
National Book Tokens are kindly offering every one of the ten authors featured a €30 gift card! You can spend these in bookshops and online in hundreds of bookshops across Ireland and the UK.
What we’re looking for
There are as many styles of flash as there are short stories—from the formally avant-garde to the traditional narrative with a beginning, middle and end.
We are looking for all sorts: the bright and beautiful; the gleam of a reflection or observation; the dark and disturbing; the thing that just is its own creature and can’t be put in a box.
Poetic, epistolary, discursive, historical, speculative, cinematic, theatrical, whichever way it comes, do send us your best work, and we will publish TEN selected stories in Books Ireland.
Winners will be announced on or before Friday 18th November.
Writing short is an art; to paraphrase Pascal, maybe Twain, and God knows who else: “I would have made it shorter, but I didn’t have the time.”
Good luck!
- Deadline for submissions is 28th October, 2022.
- TEN selected stories will be published in Books Ireland.
- Each of the ten featured authors will receive €30 in National Book Tokens.
- We welcome previously unpublished submissions from anyone, anywhere.
- Unpublished means not published in print, online, or on a personal blog.
- Word count has an upper limit of 500 words; there is no minimum word count.
- Any font or style is fine, as long as it is clear.
- Please send your story to flashfiction@wordwell.ie.
- Please send your story as an attachment, and also pasted in the body of your email.
- Any stories with inflammatory, racist, or sexist material, or content we consider damaging or inappropriate will be rejected.
- All submissions are read and we aim to reply to each one in a timely fashion. Owing to the volume of emails, feedback or personal comment will not be provided on individual stories.
- Copyright remains with the author, but we reserve the right to publish accepted stories in any future Books Ireland anthology.
- Winners will be announced on or before Friday 18th November.