On Saturday, February 29, Libraries across the country invite you to visit their local library and take a close look at everything they have to offer— for FREE. Learn about free services your local library provides throughout the year from library staff, who will be showing visitors around, demonstrating online services, and signing people up for library cards.
Libraries offer plenty for all ages and all interests throughout the year:
- More than 12 million items free to borrow, including books, music, DVDs and more
- A wide spectrum of classes, events, clubs and activities for all ages and interests
- Order online and collect/drop off items at any library in the country
- Browse and download eBooks, Audiobooks, eMagazines, and e-Newspapers on your phone or other device
- Hundreds of free, easy to access online courses and language learning
- Free internet access
- Space to study or work
- Space to read and relax
- Access to digital equipment including Virtual Reality, 3D printing, sensory equipment, laptops, etc.

It may seem like National Library Open Day is an event aimed mainly at children, but there’s plenty for adults too.
To find out what’s happening at your library on National Library Open Day, Saturday, February 29th, visit Libraries Ireland and search your local library!