Bright Ideas call out for Poetry Day Ireland 2020 is now open

Save the date: Poetry Day Ireland 2020 will take place on Thursday 30 April 2020.
The 2020 theme is ‘There will be time’. Poems that move you anti-clockwise, poems that alarm you, poems that make you tick and chime.
More than 150 poetry-related events and initiatives take place across the country on Poetry Day Ireland each year, and plans to grow even bigger in 2020 are underway.
Poetry Ireland have put out an open call for submissions offering a total of €2,000 to help fund four creative, innovative and inspiring ideas for Poetry Day Ireland 2020 through a public submissions call out. Programming proposals for this funding must be submitted by Sunday 15 December 2019.
Four separate grants of €500 each are available.
What to submit:
• An Event
• A Project
Projects and events that engage new audiences, particularly those that might not be considered a typical poetry audience. Poetry Ireland encourage outrageous ideas that cross disciplines and jump outside the box.
>> Read Guidelines and Apply Now
If you’ve any questions, email Elizabeth at