The Irish Writers Centre Spring Open Day takes place on Saturday 9 March
Opening the doors to its beautiful Georgian building on Parnell Square, The Irish Writers Centre is welcoming everyone with an interest in books and writing to take part in a dynamic programme of free events for its Spring Open Day on Saturday 09 March. The day will include taster workshops, information sessions and a panel discussion.
Open day schedule
The day kicks off at 10.30 with a welcome and an informal chat about the work of the IWC, along with a hot drink and biscuits, followed by a book swap which is happening throughout the day.
11.00—11.15: New Irish Communities Writing Session
Experience a taster of this open creative writing group for non-native English speakers who come together every Saturday during seasonal terms. This session is ideal for beginner and emerging writers and you can sign up via Eventbrite here.

11.00 – 12.00: Short Story taster with Cathy Sweeney
At 11.00 am you can also experience a taster of writing short stories with Cathy Sweeney. Sign up via Eventbrite here.
12.00 – 13.00: Novel Fair Information Session
Now in its 13th year, the Novel Fair is an annual competition initiated by the Irish Writers Centre that gives twelve aspiring novelists the opportunity to pitch their projects to top publishers and agents. Join the information and Q and A session with Programming Officer Betty Stenson (no booking required).
13.15 – 14.15: Meet the IWC Team

Meet the team at IWC, with a short presentation from Teerth Chungh, Interim Director, Betty Stenson, Programming Officer and Jo Morton Communications and Marketing Officer and plenty of time for interactive chats and questions.
13.30 – 15.00: Inkslingers Open Writing Group
The Inkslingers is the open writing group at the Irish Writers Centre, a friendly group which meets every Saturday at 1.30–3.00pm (excluding bank holiday weekends) to workshop new work and participate in writing exercises. It is ideal for new members of the Centre who wish to find out more about other groups at the Centre and how writing groups work. Sign up via email at info@irishwriterscentre.ie, and find out more about the Inkslingers here.

14.30 – 15.30: Crime Fiction Writing Taster with Declan Burke – Sign up via Eventbrite.

15.30 – 16.30: Panel Discussion: The Writing Community: are you a member?

With novelist, playwright and poet Dermot Bolger, novelist and editor Mia Gallagher and others, this panel discussion will explore what it means to be—or to become—a member of Ireland’s writing community. Sign up via Eventbrite.
Find out more details and updates on The Irish Writers Centre Open Day here.