Welcome to our new flash fiction series!
Thank you to everyone who sent in their work for our new flash fiction feature.
We received submissions from all over the world, and each entry was read by our editorial assistant Courtney Fitzmaurice, who chose the final fifty stories to feature in our new series.
Here you will find a wonderful range of styles and themes and a real mix of contributors, from young people at the beginning of their writing experience, to seasoned artists of the form.
On making the selection Courtney said: “It was such a pleasure to read every submission, and it was great to see the huge talent of writers both here in Ireland and internationally. Choosing the stories for publication wasn’t an easy task. With a variety of stories and voices in our selected stories, there’s something for every reader to enjoy.”
Of the fifty selected stories, editor Ruth McKee chose her top ten highlights.
Ruth said: “What I was looking for was voice more than anything else—once you have a voice that you can believe, the rest follows. These stories created a world in a few brush strokes. There was a lot of darkness in many of the submissions—so it was refreshing to have an occasional smile along the way. Even though the themes tended towards what we say are the only two subjects in literature—death and love—there were so many unique approaches that each story was a surprise.”
Top ten Editor’s Choice
Déjà Vu, by Niamh Donnellan
My Imaginary Boyfriend, by Sara Crowley
Self-possession, by Alison Wells
Listening, by Shannon Savvas
Inside Joke, by Ruth Ennis
Daddy Facetime, by Sandra Hirons
Cleaning House, by Lindsey Harrington
Trust Fall, by Fiona McKay
A Succession of Silences, by Electra Rhodes
Another Emma, by Hannah Allies